P5; Staff Code of Conduct
1.1. The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) prides itself on its integrity and ethical work practice. Management and staff have a responsibility to themselves and to the Federation to conduct all internal and external business in a professional manner. Such conduct will lead to success and to a high standing in the community and amongst our peers. It is worth remembering that every person who works for the VFF represents the Federation and, therefore, a professional standing is required.
1.2. This Staff Code of Conduct (code) establishes the principles and expectations for professional conduct and ethical behaviour for all employees of the VFF. By adhering to this code, we foster a positive, inclusive, and respectful work environment that aligns with our core values and organisational objectives.
2.1. This policy applies to all employees, contractors and temporary staff working for the VFF, regardless of their position or location. This may include times when you are outside your immediate workplace or working hours, at work functions, or when you are in the community representing the VFF.
2.2. The policy provides the framework of principles for conducting business, dealing with other employers, customers, and suppliers. The code does not replace legislation, and if any part of it is in conflict, then the appropriate legislation takes precedence.
3.1.1. Recognising that the principal function of employees, contractors or volunteers is to deliver the objects of the VFFs, we have adopted the following ethical principles. All VFF employees and contractors must, when engaged in VFF related activities:
- Act and maintain a high standard of integrity and professionalism,
- Act in the best interests of the VFF and maintain and uphold the company’s reputation,
- Be responsible and scrupulous in the proper use of company information, funds, equipment, and facilities,
- Be considerate and respectful of others,
- Exercise fairness, equality, courtesy, consideration, and sensitivity in dealing with other employees, customers, and suppliers,
- Maintain a safe workplace and not conduct yourself in a way that might risk the health and safety of yourself or others,
- Avoid apparent conflict of interests, promptly disclosing to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), any potential or perceived conflict of interest,
- Perform their duties with skill, honesty, care, and due diligence,
- Abide by all policies, procedures and lawful directions that relate to your employment with the VFF,
- Immediately notify your manager if you are aware of a breach of a company policy or procedure, and
- Devote all your time and effort to your duties when working for the VFF
3.2.1. All employees, contractors and volunteers, or any person representing the VFF must conduct themselves in a professional manner. This includes punctuality, reliability, and a commitment to delivering high-quality work.
3.3.1. We value diversity and are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all employees feel valued and respected.
3.3.2. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of bullying is not acceptable, and this type of behaviour will not be tolerated.
3.4.2. All VFF employees, contractors, and volunteers should not seek or accept gifts or favours for services performed in connection with your work duties. Included in this category are gifts in kind, such as free accommodation, travel, food or entertainment for yourself, or members of your family. (This does not imply simple gestures of thanks or celebrations. If in doubt consult your supervisor or manager in the first instance to seek clarification).
3.5.1. You must act with integrity, honesty and uphold the highest ethical standards in all professional interactions. Recognising that the principal function of our employees, contractors or volunteers is to deliver the objects of the organisation.
3.5.2. You should take all reasonable steps to avoid a conflict of interest and disclose details of any real or perceived conflicts to the CEO as soon as practicable.
3.6.1. Always maintain confidentiality in the course of your employment and your duties. The disclosure of confidential information with or without intent, is not acceptable.
3.6.2. All intellectual property created at the VFF, remains the property of the VFF and this information must be stored and maintained in a secure location.
3.6.3. The improper and unauthorised use of confidential information, which includes the conduct of any employee, contractor, or volunteer, who engages in external work mayvresult in disciplinary action.
3.7.1. A conflict of interest with members may arise and, as an individual, you may have private interests that from time to time, conflict with your duty to the VFF.
3.7.2. The CEO may require a written declaration from an employee who may be engaged in a role or position where there is a potential or likelihood for a conflict of interest to arise. You must disclose any current or perceived conflicts of interest on your initial appointment, annually or whenever your personal circumstances change.
3.7.3. You must disclose potential conflicts of interest to the CEO when dealing in the course of your official duties with relatives, close friends, or business acquaintances.
3.7.4. It is not possible to define all potential areas of conflict of interest, and if you are in doubt as to whether a conflict of interest exists, then you should speak to your manager.
3.7.5. All employees, contractors and volunteers must declare to the CEO any current or perceived conflict of interest that a reasonable person would consider may arise. You should not be involved in any decision-making processes where you could put yourself in a compromised position. The perception of a conflict of interest could jeopardise your integrity.
3.7.6. All employees must work in the best interests of the VFF, and no employee, contractor or volunteer shall undertake any action which will jeopardise the reputation or security of the VFF.
3.7.7. No employee, contractor or volunteer shall act in a manner contrary to the directions of the VVF Board. Where employees, contractors or volunteers are directed to act in a manner to serve the best interests of the VFF, they are required to report that request to the CEO.
3.8.1. Any employee who raises a complaint or discloses an alleged breach of the code, will not be disadvantaged. The VFF will review all breaches of the code in a timely and confidential manner.
3.8.2. The VFF will consider a minor breach of the code as a positive opportunity to educate employees and ensure future compliance. In the first instance, the supervisor or manager will provide the individual with clear feedback in how their behaviour fell short of the expected standard and negotiate a way to correct the behaviour.
3.8.3. Serious or repeated non-compliance with this policy may be considered misconduct. Failure to comply with the code will be managed in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy and this could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
3.8.4. Victimisation against an individual who has raised a concern, or complaint, is not acceptable. Repercussions or victimisation against an individual may result in disciplinary action.
Victorian Farmers Federation Chair.
Victorian Farmers Federation CEO.
Victorian Famers Federation Senior P&C Advisor.
Policy P2: Grievances
Policy P3: Bullying