Stock Sense » Resources and Factsheets » FACT SHEET BODY LICE IN SHEEP


Effective treatment of all sheep in the flock is necessary to fully eradicate lice. Lousy sheep that have been treated may not show signs of infestation for up to nine months after treatment. Usually this is due to the treatment not eradicating all lice.

Lambs pick up lice quickly from infested ewes. When selecting a treatment product, consider selecting a treatment for ewes as well. Depending on the product, it can take between 2 and 18 weeks after treatment for lice to die. If lambs are born during this period, they can become infested and reinfest ewes.

Always read the label and consider residues and withholding periods when selecting and using chemicals for control and eradication of lice.

Remember, selling lousy sheep through saleyards is illegal.

Lice boss is an effective online tool that can be used to help aid producers in constructing a lice control management plan specific to their region. For more information follow the link below.


Sheep body lice (Bovicola ovis) are responsible for most lice infestations of sheep and cost Australian sheep producers more than $120 million a year. While no official statistics are available on the occurrence of sheep lice in the Australian sheep flock, anecdotal evidence supports that the occurrence is high, and that many sheep producers will have sheep lice issues in some years.

The body louse is a small insect around 1-2mm in length. Young lice (nymphs) are creamcoloured with a red-brown head, while adult lice have reddish-brown stripes across their body. Lice feed on dead skin of sheep, lanolin, skin bacteria and sweat gland secretions. Lice do not suck blood or eat the wool fibers, that cause thickening of skin. Body lice are a common problem in Victorian sheep flocks and cause significant economic loss as a result of;


Commonly lice move from infested sheep to clean sheep during direct contact. Lice move from the tip of the fleece and will usually spread during;

Transmission of lice through contact with infested wool on fences is unlikely, however in sheltered areas lice may survive in greasy wool for a couple of days.

Lice are sensitive to temperature and humidity and most will die soon after being removed from sheep. Research work has shown that some lice can survive for up to a month in favourable conditions.


There are a number of steps that can be carried out on farm to prevent lice infestation. Carrying out best practice management and biosecurity strategies is the best way to prevent introducing lice to your flock as well as other sheep diseases.

Figure 1. Sheep infested with lice


It can take around 5-6 months for newly infested sheep to develop signs of a lice infestation. The first sign of lice infestation is usually rubbing sheep (i.e. on fences). Once sheep are at the “rubbing” stage, it is often a sign that lice are in high numbers and treatment should occur at the first opportunity.



Figure 2. Shower dip


The best time to treat sheep for lice is soon after shearing, using a plunge dip. This allows the best chance of eradication and also minimises residue in wool (remembering wool processors will not tolerate chemical residues).

Opportunities to eliminate lice are “off-shears” (0-24 hours after shearing) or in short wool (1-42 days after shearing). Use of longwool backliners should only be considered as a control tool to limit further wool damage before shearing, but be aware of the wool harvest intervals. If you are going to the expense of treating lice, ensure you don’t leave any sheep behind when mustering and that you treat all sheep.


When to use Advantages Disadvantages Notes
Offshears Backline
Immediately after shearing, <24 hours unless stated otherwise
Less labour intensive
– Slow to kill – High chemical cost – Effectiveness reduced in sheep not cleanly shorn
If used properly some can achieve eradication
Longwool Backline
6 weeks – 10 months wool
– less labour intensive – low maintenance – no discharge of used dipwash
– Slow to kill – High chemical cost – potential for high chemical residue in wool
Apply evenly from poll to tail
Used as a control method until lice can be eradicated at shearing
Control only


When to use Advantages Disadvantages
Plunge dip
3 weeks off-shears
– Very effective if used correctly – Contractors available who have a mobile plunging system
– Expensive to set up own facilities – labour intensive – Bacterial infection can be spread
Shower dip
2-3 weeks
Less labour intensive
– Generally less effective – Expensive to set up own facilities – Difficult to achieve necessary saturation for maximum effectiveness – More chemical exposure for operator – Method not regularly used
For more information, please contact Stock Sense on email at [email protected]


Lice Boss
Department of Primary Industries NSW
Farm Trader
Meat and Livestock

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