Stock Sense » Resources and Factsheets » FACT SHEET WORMS IN SHEEP


Internal parasites or ‘worms’, are one of the major causes of production inefficiency in Victorian sheep flocks. One of foremost concerns is the economic loss associated with the decline in lamb growth rates as a consequence of worms. Sheep are more frequently infected with worms than other types of livestock, as their pellet-like faeces easily disintegrate exposing worm larvae on the pasture.

There are three internal parasite groups which affect livestock. These are round worms (nematodes), flukes (trematodes) and tapeworms (cestodes). Tapeworms are common in sheep flocks however there is a lack of evidence to prove they have any significant effect on animal health and productivity. The main roundworm species affecting Victorian sheep production systems include:


If worms are not managed properly, they can cause substantial economic losses. Worms can impact the productivity of your business by:


There are many types of roundworms each affecting sheep differently, however their lifecycles are similar. The general lifecycle of a round worm consists of the female laying eggs (the number of eggs laid varies between species). The eggs hatch and progress to the 1st larval stage, followed by the 2nd larval stage and finally into the infective 3rd larval stage where they emerge from the manure onto the pasture (see Figure 1). During all three stages the larvae feed on the bacteria in the sheep’s manure until they die or emerge from the manure. Once larvae have left the manure and are exposed on the pasture, sheep consume the larvae along with the pasture and become infected with worms. Worms can live in the sheep’s gut for many months. Some species can live exposed on the ground for six months or longer in favourable conditions.


Black scour worm is the most common type of internal parasite causing infection in Australian sheep flocks. There are several strains of black scour worm including, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, found in warmer summer rainfall climates and Trichostrongylus vitrineus, which prefers winter rainfall areas. Black scour worms are found in the small intestine, usually in the first three metres. Damage to the first three metres of the small intestine occurs and absorption of nutrients is impeded as a result.

Animals infected with black scour worms can develop black scours, quickly lose body condition, suffer dehydration and in intense cases death may occur. Female black scour worms can lay up to 200 eggs per day, taking around 21 days for worm eggs to appear in the manure after ingestion of worm larvae. These worms can develop drench resistance across multiple drench groups.

Image provided by the Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)


The brown stomach worm is a small red-brown worm mostly found in higher winter rainfall areas. A female brown stomach worm can lay up to 100 eggs per day. Brown stomach worms are usually found on the lining of the 4th stomach, causing damage to this lining as they grow into adult worms. Sheep infected with brown stomach worm generally exhibit severe scouring and ill-thrift with death sometimes following. The onset of illness in accelerated if sheep are infected with another type of worm as well as brown stomach worm. Brown stomach worm is a robust species of worm, able to withstand frosts and also dry conditions. Adding to its resilience is the fact it is known for developing drench resistance for a number drench types. Current and effective drench resistance test data is essential in controlling brown stomach worm.


Barber’s pole worms are large worms located in the 4th stomach of the sheep and are prolific egg layers, laying up to 10,000 eggs per day. Barber’s pole worm is frequently found in warm, moist climates, in areas that receive summer rainfall. The worms cause anaemia by sucking the blood from the lining of the stomach and if present in large numbers can kill the sheep. Sheep infected with Barber’s pole worm generally have pale gums and a significant lack of energy; however sheep can be infected without showing these clinical signs. The most precise way of detecting Barber’s pole worm is by conducting a total worm count or they may be identified by a larval culture and differentiation test on the faeces.


Thin necked intestinal worm is found in all sheep production areas of Australia, preferring winter rainfall areas. Like the brown stomach worm, thin neck intestinal worm is a hardy worm able to withstand cold winters and drier conditions. These worms live in the small intestine with the female laying up to 30 eggs per day, which pass out through the manure. They are quite large and are easily identified in the manure. Thin necked intestinal worms are a problem as they cause intense diarrhoea in young sheep.


Unlike the other worms they do not cause damage to the lining of the intestine however, slight inflammation can sometimes occur.


In all populations of worms there are a few that survive treatment with a drench. Repeated treatments to the same type of drench selects these resistant worms until they make up a significant proportion of the worm population. Drench resistance is a heritable genetic trait among worms so once resistance is established in a worm population, it can only be deselected by changing the type of drench but this will take a very long time. And at the same time selection for the next drench type will be occurring.

For resistance to develop across a number of drench types, the worm population must survive each individual drench dosing. This is because different genes are responsible for controlling resistance in each of the drench groups.

Drench resistance to a particular drench group can develop more quickly due to the following factors:


It is crucial for the economic viability of any sheep production system that worms are controlled. When developing an effective worm management strategy the following factors should be considered:

Grazing practices for worm control include:

Sheep management for worm control include:


There are many commercially available drenches on the market. Drenches are categorised by the active ingredient they contain, the type of worm it kills and the length of protection it offers. Before completing a drench program, drench resistance testing should be carried out on your flock. Testing allows producers to select the most effective drench best suited to their flock. The most common method is oral drenches. It is advised to contact your local vet or product advisor to establish the best drench management plan for your flock. The main classes of drench include:


There are a number of worm treatments available, requiring different delivery methods. Methods of delivery include:


Faecal monitoring is an essential component of any successful worm management plan.


Implementing a drench program is essential in controlling worms to prevent production losses. This can often be a costly and time consuming exercise so it is important that the right drench is selected in order to achieve effective control. Every population of worm species can be resistant to different drench groups so it is important to identify which drench group will be most effective for use on your property. A faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) is the most effective and commonly used resistance test. Young sheep less than 6 months old that appear wormy and have not been drenched are ideal for this test. An initial worm count of at least 300 eggs per gram from the selected sheep is needed to conduct a FECRT.

Before performing the test you should consult with your local veterinarian about the right approach to the FECRT method or if another test would be better suited to your situation. The general method for a FECRT is as follows:

For more information, please contact Stock Sense by email on [email protected]


Department of Primary Industries Victoria
Worm Boss
Tasmanian Government
Small Farms

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