Glyphosate Review: Facts and science must prevail

A class action has been initiated in the Federal Court of Australia against Monsanto Australia regarding non-Hodgkin lymphoma relating to the use of Roundup. The European Union has also issued a 12-month extension of the current registration for glyphosate in the EU. Member states are expected to vote on the renewal of glyphosate in Q3-Q4 2023 following the public release of chemical and food safety reviews in mid-2023.

In collaboration with NFF, the VFF has actively participated in ongoing discussions with industry on these issues. Bayer has provided an overview to members of the VFF Farming Systems Committee, Grains and Horticulture Councils on the impact of the European Green Deal. Discussions involved the potential loss of access to glyphosate and the proposed EU ban on exporting certain chemicals. The ban would indiscriminately prohibit the export of crucial crop protection products into jurisdictions where they are regulated, assessed and approved by an independent and technically proficient authority.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently published a conclusion on their review of glyphosate as part of the EU re-registration process. As noted in the review summary “EFSA did not identify any critical areas of concern in its peer review of the risk assessment of the active substance glyphosate in relation to the risk it poses to humans and animals or the environment”. 

The VFF, remains actively engaged in ongoing discussions with industry and committed to keeping members informed with continual updates Listen to GPA Southern Director Andrew Weidemann’s interview on glyphosate safety and the class action with ABC Victoria Country Hour here.