Advocating for farmers and regional Victoria
The VFF represents the interests of farmers and regional communities to government and on industry bodies. Our members participate in the policy process through a range of forums and committees to develop our platform and campaigns.
Select from the links below to learn more about our policy and advocacy:
Farm Business
VFF Farm Business Committee promotes a fair and competitive business environment and advocates on issues including regulation, tax, local government rates, trade and drought relief.
VFF Water Council is the peak representative body for Victorian irrigators and advocates on a range of issues including water security, infrastructure, drainage and the Murray Darling Basin.
Environment & Climate
VFF Environment, Planning & Climate Change Committee provides advice on land management issues such as native vegetation, pest management, planning laws, right to farm and bushfire prevention.
Workforce & Farm Safety
In conjunction with our Workplace Relations service, the VFF lobbies government in the areas of workforce training and development, industrial relations and occupational health and safety.
Infrastructure & Transport
The VFF advocates for the infrastructure and services regional communities need and deserve including better roads and freight, telecommunications, community and health services.
Animal Welfare & Biosecurity
The VFF is a leading voice on farm animal welfare concerns and protecting farm businesses from biosecurity threats.
Policy Council
The VFF Policy Council is the organisation’s peak policymaking body, underpinning the organisations advocacy work. It consists of the VFF President, Vice President, Commodity Group Chairs or their nominee, the Chairs of the VFF Issues Advisory Committees (Farm Business and Regional Development, Land Management and Water Council) and the President of the VFF Industrial Association.
Featured Campaigns
Take a look at our campaigns to see what the VFF is up to and how you can get involved. View all campaigns →
VNI West
Standing up for farmers in North Central Victoria A huge thank you to those who helped provide the more than 500 submissions to AEMO regarding…
Renewable Energy and Transmission Development
Standing up for farming communities The VFF is supporting farming communities that will be impacted by the roll-out of renewable energy and transmission infrastructure across…
Farm Biosecurity
Protecting our industry The VFF is committed to ensuring Victoria has a robust and well resourced biosecurity system that sees government and industry working together…
Policy Statements
As a proudly democratic organisation, VFF members determine the policy positions and advocacy priorities for Victoria’s farming community. The VFF Policy Council is currently undertaking a review of all general policy positions with the revised statements being progressively published on this website.
Recent Submissions
VFF responses to government on current issues. View all submissions →
Submission to the Inquiry into workplace surveillance
This submission notes the impact of unlawful surveillance on farm businesses and issues pertaining to the Surveillance Devices…
Submission to the Inquiry into food security in Victoria
The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) appreciates the opportunity to provide input to theParliamentary Inquiry into Food Security. This…
Submission to the Inquiry into Local Government funding and services
The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to theLegislative Council Economy and Infrastructure…
Have Your Say
The VFF regularly consults its members on current issues and government consultations. To get involved, get in touch with the VFF Policy Team at [email protected].