Parliament must investigate broken regional roads

Media Releases » Parliament must investigate broken regional roads

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) is calling on the Victorian Parliament to launch a public inquiry into the condition of regional roads.

VFF President Emma Germano said the condition of regional roads had reached crisis point with the cost to agriculture and country communities continuing to build.

“Any inquiry that can help to find solutions to the impasse over roads funding would be welcome by regional Victorians who are dodging potholes every time they get behind the wheel.”

“The failure to invest in regional road maintenance in this year’s state budget must be scrutinised and the parliament must do its job and hold the government to account.”

“The costs associated with our broken roads are not only mounting on government, but individuals, families and their businesses.”

“Worse still, our broken roads are a risk to people’s safety. 58 per cent of all road fatalities this year have occurred in regional Victoria, despite it being home to 24 per cent of the state’s population.”

“134 people have heartbreakingly lost their lives on the roads, compared to 96 at the same time last year. It rips communities apart and the worst thing is so many of these tragedies are avoidable.”

“Our political leaders have the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to regional Victoria by supporting the creation of an inquiry.”