As a UDV Member, your membership is being transferred to our new streamlined membership model. You would have received an email from us, requesting you to renew your membership. Scroll down to see how we can make your VFF UDV Membership work for you.

If you did not receive our email, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1800 882 833.

We’re making VFF Membership work for you. Introducing our new tiered memberships, that delivers for you and your business.

The Ultimate Package

Full VFF Membership with Workplace Relations Advice

Standard VFF Membership with Full Voting Rights

Associates and Supporters of Agriculture

Our current advocacy focus is on:

Defending your
farming rights

With renewable energy and transmission developments set to carve up productive farmland across the state, the VFF is working to defend the rights of farmers who will be forced to host this infrastructure. We are focussed on ensuring this infrastructure has minimal impact on food and fibre production, and that there is just and equitable land access and compensation arrangements for farmers.

Animal welfare

Victoria’s animal welfare laws are set to be changed by the Victorian Government in 2023. The VFF is at the forefront of discussions to ensure the continuation of responsible industry practices that are based on science, not opinion.

Fixing and investing in our regional roads

In the face of years of government neglect, the VFF is advocating for significant investment into regional roads. We are also seeking the development of a state-wide agricultural freight strategy that will help plan future road and rail network use.

Biosecurity and
climate change

Victorian agriculture faces biosecurity threats every day and the VFF is making sure government fulfills its duty to defend the industry from exotic and endemic diseases. We are also calling on government to ensure it is a responsible land manager that takes action on pest plants and weeds. The VFF also wants to ensure that government recognises and promotes the work that farmers are doing to lower greenhouse gas emissions to ensure we maintain market access with trading partners who are demanding climate action.

Protecting irrigation

Changes to national water policy threaten the future of irrigation communities that are dealing with the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. The threat of further government water buybacks puts Australia’s food security at risk and the VFF is a strong voice calling for sensible policies that secure food production, local jobs and a healthy environment.

Making sure farmers get
home safely

The health and safety of our farmers, their families and workers must be a top priority. Farms are dangerous workplaces and government has a duty to partner with industry to make farms safer. The VFF will continue to seek investment from government into programs that have a proven record of success.