Livestock Factsheet Reproductive Diseases in Cattle

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Reproductive Diseases in Cattle

Reproductive diseases can have significant economic impacts on your livestock businesses. They can have severe consequences on production systems (i.e. infertility and abortions) and have the capacity to go unnoticed in your herd for long periods of time.

Reproductive losses can be caused by infectious agents (bacteria, virus, and parasites) or can be caused by other factors such as stress, or nutritional deficiencies, excesses or imbalances. It is important to establish what is causing these losses in your herd before you can effectively and efficiently manage the problem. Good individual animal health and reproduction record keeping is vital to assist determining that a problem exists or not. If you are experiencing reproductive losses in your herd, contact your local vet to establish a strategic diagnostic and management plan.

This resource outlines common infectious reproductive diseases including;

Common infectious reproductive diseases


Vibriosis (or bovine genital campylobacteriosis) is a common venereal disease spread by mating infected bulls to susceptible cows or vice versa.

Vibriosis is most likely to occur:

Signs of vibriosis in cattle include:

Diagnosis requires veterinary assistance and includes the examination of an aborted foetus or by testing samples of vaginal mucus for the presence of antibodies. Scrapings from the prepuce of bulls may also be cultured to detect the organism.

Vibriosis can be controlled by regular vaccination of bulls.

Prevention is the best management strategy and can be achieve by:


Leptospirosis is a contagious bacterial disease (Leptospira spp.) affecting humans and animals, and occurs in cattle, sheep and goats.

Leptospirosis is a notifiable disease – if you suspect your livestock have the disease, you are legally obliged to notify the Victorian Department of Primary Industries (DPI).

It occurs mainly in humid climates and is considered a workplace hazard for those who work with susceptible animals.

Leptospirosis is spread through the urine of infected animals. Infection can pass unnoticed, however severe abortion storms can occur when an infected animal is introduced into an unexposed or unvaccinated herd.

Clinical signs may develop quickly and can include:

Several diseases can present similar signs to Leptospirosis. Veterinary examination is required for accurate diagnosis of Leptospirosis and often would include testing of blood samples from animals that have recovered from infection.

Prevention strategies include:


Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease caused by a parasite (Trichomonas foetus), causing embryonic loss (seen as repeat breeding) and abortions in cows, and sometimes uterine infection and vaginal discharge.​

Trichomoniasis is uncommon in southern Australia. It is a notifiable disease in Victoria - if you suspect the disease, you must notify the DPI.

Bulls maintain the infection in their genital tract and transmit the disease during mating. Similarly, infected females can infect bulls.​

Clinical signs may include:​

Veterinary assistance is required to diagnose Trichomoniasis. Samples are taken for culture from an infected bull’s prepuce or from the uterine discharge of infected cows.

Prevention strategies include:​


Pestivirus, otherwise known as Bovine Vial Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) is a common virus in cattle.

Pestivirus has been widespread in Australia for a long time, with estimations that up to 90% of herds either are, or have been affected at some stage.

Pestivirus can present in a number of ways including:

There are two main management tools for providing immunity to at-risk animals:

For detailed information about Pestivirus and how to manage the disease, see the VFF Pestivirus resource.


The parasite Neospora caninum, commonly known as Neospora, can be transmitted from dogs to cattle grazing on pastures or from feeders that have been contaminated with the dog faeces containing the parasite.

Like Pestivirus (BVDV), pregnant females that have ingested this parasite can pass it onto calves in utero and then run the risk of either:

Having a methodical approach will assist producers in managing this disease, and minimise losses as much as possible. This includes:


Balanitis is inflammation of the glans of the penis in cattle. The condition can present signs including:

Balanitis is not a new disease, however there seems to have been more reports of the disease, mainly in the Upper Murray region of Victoria and southern New South Wales.

Further research is needed to better understand the condition. There is speculation balanitis may be a strain of Herpesvirus, (which also causes Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) and Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis IPV), although this has not been proven.

It is thought sudden exposure of new sires to unfamiliar microbial populations could play a role in infection.

Best practice management can help reduce the likelihood of the disease occurring, including;

The best course of action for infected herds is sexual rest.

Long acting oxytetracycline combined with iodine spray has shown rapid healing of penis lesions in bulls.

Remember, it is important to consider the use and record treatment for drugs, drenches and vaccines as some have significant withholding periods and/or export slaughter intervals.

Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF), commonly known as three day sickness, is an insect borne viral disease of cattle and buffalo, widespread in northern Australia but rare in Victoria. However, a few outbreaks have been reported in recent years.

Cattle affected by BEF may show signs of:

Vaccines are available to prevent BEF. In cattle with no previous immunity (from vaccination or previous infection) diagnosis can usually be made based on clinical signs.

Contact your veterinarian if you suspect BEF.

Other management and prevention tips:


Many of these vaccines rely on ensuring you are diligent about following the prescribed vaccination program; initial dose and follow-ups and/ or yearly boosters. Be sure to follow the program to guarantee your livestock are inoculated.

Remember, it is important to record treatment for drugs, drenches and vaccines as some have significant withholding periods and/or export slaughter intervals. Consult your veterinarian on the best course of action for your specific business.


Best practice management strategies can help reduce the prevalence of these diseases.

Strategies include:



Meat & Livestock Australia – reproductive diseases
NSW DPI - Diseases causing reproductive losses in breeding cattle
NSW DPI - Leptospirosis Primefacts
NSW DPI – Bovine Trichomoniasis

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF), its partners, agents and contractors do not guarantee that this publication is without flaw and do not accept any liability whatsoever for any errors, defects or omissions in the information provided. This publication is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute financial, legal, investment, production or marketing advice. The VFF excludes all liability for any loss or damage of any kind arising in relation to this publication including any reliance on the information contained herein.

Original Author, Zoe Moroz (VFF Livestock Project Officer), Original Version Published in August 2012