Changes to the regulation of wind farm noise

Submissions » Changes to the regulation of wind farm noise

Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission to these regulations. We note that VFF were only given notice of the regulations on 1 April 2022.

VFF is the peak body representing the farming community. The great majority of wind energy facilities in Victoria are located on land zoned for farming. VFF is concerned that DELWP and EPA have not identified VFF as a key stakeholder in the preparation or review of these regulations.

The Regulatory Impact Statement fails to identify that these facilities are often on land owned by farmers and with the predominant use for agriculture. There is not mention of agriculture or commodity systems in regard to noise receptors. The only reference to farms is in relation to the incorrect designation of the facilities as ‘wind farms’.

It is concerning that ‘High amenity areas have been determined by EPA to include only those land useplanningzonesthatarepredominantlyforresidentialpurposes’.VFF is currently working with DELWP and EPA to prepare a RIS for the use of tyres on farms as the previous RIS did not consider these uses.

Click the link below to download the full submission