Ryan Maloney

Ryan Maloney

Casual Workers Decision


A groundbreaking decision this week has been given by the Federal Court, ruling that certain casual workers are entitled to paid leave entitlements. This can cause a lot of potential issues for employers that currently employ casual staff. Casual workers…

Seasonal Worker Program

The Horticulture Group was part of the development of the initial Seasonal Worker Program pilot program and has continued to support the program as a way for growers to source a reliable workforce. The VFF encourages growers who are seeking…

Honey Production in Australia


Australia is the fourth largest exporter of honey in the world after China, Argentina and Mexico. Australian honey varieties are recognised for their high quality and unique flavours, affected by the bee’s feasting on a wide range of wild nectars.…

Welfare in yards


The welfare of animals in yards has multiple benefits. Reducing stress on animals reduces the stress on you and makes life simpler, calmer and safer. If you never have to use an electric prodder, poly pipe or get upset and…

Pulpy Kidney – should I vaccinate?


Effective vaccinations for pulpy kidney have been available for over 50 years however it remains the third biggest killer of sheep, according to figures from Agriculture Victoria. Despite following the manufacturer’s recommendations you can still incur losses from pulpy kidney.…